A qualitative inquiry into the acceptability of schema therapy in Hong Kong and Singapore: implications for cultural responsiveness in the practice of schema therapy

Authors: Alanna Mao, Robert Brockman, Hui Ling Michelle Neo, Sze Hang Cliff Siu, Xi Liu & Paul Rhodes (2022).

Published in The Clinical Psychologist.

Western psychological models, including Schema Therapy (ST), are increasingly scrutinized for presumed universality. While ST is effective for chronic psychological issues, its cross-cultural applicability remains unexamined. This study explores the acceptability and efficacy of ST in non-Western contexts, focusing on Hong Kong and Singapore.

The downloadable PDF is an Accepted Manuscript of the article published by Taylor & Francis in Clinical Psychologist on 11 April 2022, available at https://doi.org/10.1080/13284207.2022.2052273


Racialised, intergenerational trauma and Schema Therapy


Schema Therapy Training Australia Podcast: What’s the Schemata?